If so, good for you. And also, beware!
Once you have learned something new that will improve your horse's life, your horse will know. Your horse will know what you know. A previously forgiving horse who patiently put up with an ill-fitting saddle will likely buck you off after the tack fitting clinic.
The swaybacked horse who has always come right up to you in pasture will now kick up her heels and run the other way when she sees you coming if you don't plan on doing bodywork that day.
And the horse unhappy in his job but doing it well? He's likely to make an ass of you at your next horse show ... especially since you went to an animal communication workshop but refuse to hear his pleas for a new career.
What the Heck is Going on Here?
Unfortunately, many a horse lover has had to discover the hard way that our horses are telepathic, and they know what we know. Somehow most horses are willing to forgive us in our ignorance, but the minute we learn something that will make their life better, they expect us to use that knowledge ... right now!
So if you are planning on opening the door of knowledge for better horse health care, better horse feed, and better horse management, beware! Once that door is opened, it can never be slammed shut again. Your horse will make sure of it! Leta Worthington, an excellent animal communicator (find her at Herbs and Animals online and her blog) has often noticed that people who communicate with their animals, and then fail to take action based on the resulting conversation tend to pay a big price. Whether it's the dog peeing on the carpet to indicate that he's "pissed off" or it's the horse going into a bucking frenzy, forgiveness isn't the picture.
Marcus Aurelius: One Example for Illustration
My horses have shown me this process over and over again. Marcus, my first big-time jumper horse (pictured above), was hugely forgiving and easy to ride when he first came to me. We did well at shows, won championships all over the place, and I thought we had a great relationship. Unfortunately, Marcus was a cribber, which affected his teeth, spine, and performance. Thinking that cribbing was bad, I used to try all kinds of techniques to stop him from cribbing. Nothing worked. He continued to crib but he never seemed to resent my efforts to stop him.
Then I had the brilliant idea to try animal communication. During the conversation I asked Marcus what it would take for him to stop cribbing. His reply was short and sweet: "How about if I asked you to give up eating?" In other words, he was telling me that cribbing was an essential part of his nature and his life.
Despite hearing this, I continued to try to stop him from cribbing. Now he definitely resented my efforts. He started turning his butt to me when I went to catch him, and broke as many objects in his stall as possible. He issued his strongest complaint, though, by refusing to jump at the shows. Neither my trainer nor I could get him to jump around courses reliably, even on courses he used to love.
Back to the animal communicator we went. Marcus made his demands clear: "Let me crib or forget showing, and count on having to replace everything in my stall often!" Wow, was that clear or what? So thereafter, we let him crib. He started doing his job again and loving it.
He now lives with my former trainer, Sally Francis, in Texas, has his own cribbing tree, and a couple of cribbing buddies. They are such cute little equine addicts! Marcus cribs a couple of times, then turns to his buddy and says, "You're turn dude, take a toke!" His buddy cribs, and then they both turn to the mare and say, "Go ahead miss, take a hit!" Then it's Marcus' turn to crib again. These days he is one happy cribbing camper. He still takes adult amateurs and small children around three foot courses and, as long as he's allowed to crib, all is right in the world with him. Yes, his teeth suck but he's very happy!
I've had similar experiences with almost all of my horses, especially the mustangs. They are more forgiving to start with (when I'm ignorant) and much less forgiving later. They have elephantine memories, which they use often. But once you give then what they want, they will also work harder and better for you than most domestic horses.
In any case, consider this article a "buyer beware" to the horse lover who wants to learn more about horse health care. Maybe it should be "body worker beware" or something like that ... I'm all for it. Definitely go for it. Learn as much as you can. Just be prepared to use what you learn or you'll pay, pay, and pay!
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